Sushi of the Month
Watch for this exciting, innovative contest to return again this Winter!
It's your chance to put your favorite ideas to paper, share your creativity, and have a chance to win Sushi Gift Certificates
Print your Entry Form here!
Contest Rules
Design your own sushi, draw it out with explanations and give it to your server.
Best ideas will be tried and sampled by the owners and employees of Sushi Okalani.
The winner will be chosen on the First Friday of the month, and kept on the special board for a month.
Each winner receives:
$20 gift certificate,
Sushi Okalani T-shirt,
and one serving of their winning item. Audemars Piguet replica watches
All entries should include name, phone number
and E-mail address.
Any item not featured on our regular menu or specials board is fare game. (NO cream cheese!)
Submitted entries will be displayed in the hall.
Winning entries will be posted in the front waiting area
and online at
One entry per person per month please.
One ‘Sushi Champion’ will be
chosen from among the monthly winners
at the end of the summer.
Sushi Champion receives:
$100 gift certificate
Sushi Okalani Hooded sweatshirt.